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🎓 Veterinarian STARTER Course | VSJ ONE Generalist Course


[🎓 Veterinarian STATER Course|About VSJ ONE Generalist Course] From over 20 e-classes (approximately 200 lectures) at VSJ COLLEGE, We have carefully selected 15 lectures necessary for inexperienced veterinarians and first- and second-year veterinarians who feel anxious and sorry every day. Original programming. Build a clinical base in 6 months. It is also perfect as a trial of the 🎓Veterinarian STANDARD/MASTER course of the VSJ ONE Generalist course. [🙎Recommended targets] ・Young veterinarian. - A veterinarian who has been away from clinical practice for a while. ・VSJ ONE As a trial of other generalist courses.



🎓 獣医師 STARTERコース|VSJ ONE ジェネラリストプログラム, ¥98,000



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